Transfer 13, Week 7 .... January 26, 2015

Chere famille,

Nothing big happened this week. 
We worked hard, and found a lot of really cool people who are interested in the Gospel. The Lord's work continues to move forward.

On Tuesday we had a day of tracting ahead of us, when we had David text us and told us he was free today to help us, and so we called around and were able to visit a less active member named Sr. Nolot, out in the middle of nowhere countryside of france. She hadn't been able to come to church because of how far away it is and was more than happy to see us. It was about an hour drive. She let us in and talked straight for 2 hours. She loves the gospel so much and told us how much she helped with missionary work before she moved away from the city. It was really funny. 

Thursday we had district meeting here in Clermont, all of our Lyon district came out here, and afterward we had a big exchange. I was with Elder Smith and Haws. IT was a bit odd being the oldest on the exchange, but not being the 'leader'. We had a good time and found a really cool young french couple that had met missionaries when they were younger and are really interested and they both speak great english, their names are Edgar and Juliette (hoping they'll be kingdom builders). We are hoping to see them this week.

Saturday we got visit one of the Peruvian families in our ward, the Estradas, they are hilarious, but their half french half spanish can be hard to follow sometime- guess I'll need to learn spanish when I get home. We just spent an hour with them, but they gladly caught on to our idea to have a lunch with their less active sister and non member brother in law. Really fun!
Afterwards we had Samedi sportif, our saturday sports session with the young adults and their friends, Elder Montgomery went 7-0 on the ping pong table. #stillgotit #MCC2015

Yesterday was an interesting day. The first two hours of church were dedicated to discussing how to avoid and protect aganst pornagraphy. We discussed the principles and the doctrinal importance of chastity and it was super intriguing.
We ended up teaching two lessons in the evening one to David an old investigator who is still hanging around and Jia. (which was somewhat of a miracle seeing has how lessons are somewhat hard to come by at the moment). She understands everything we are teaching her but just won't pray to ask. All of our lessons go back to how praying is the key to knowing all spiritual truths.

THis is the last week of the transfer. We're shooting to have a ' monster week', where we just go all out, exciting. Not sure what the transfer roulette has in store for me, have a weird feeling I'm leaving...

Love you all! Remember how much the Lord loves you and how much He values you!!!
A few gems from President Benson's teachings: 'A sad face has never won a battle in war or in love.' 'We must learn again and again that it is only in accepting and living the Gospel of love as the Master taught it, and by doing His will that we can break the cords of ignorance and doubt that hinder us.'

Elder Montgomery