Transfer 13, Week 5 ..... January 12, 2015

Chére famille,

This week went well. 
About the terrorist attacks, Don't worry we're doing fine. I had a lady yell at me in the tram the other day because of the terrorist attacks but thats it. Yesterday there was a huge march in hommage to the deaths here in Clermont Ferrand. Over 70,000 people marched with signs and everything. It was cool and sad!

Another week in the service of the Lord.
We taught Decahou this week our Ivorian ami, and he is awesome, totally down to keep Learning and commit to the Church and the gospel, thus far. He came to Church for a second time yesterday and really liked it. He told us he knows baptism is important and he will get baptized soon, but doesnt want to set a date yet.

We taught Jia again yesterday and had a wonderful lesson with her and David a recent convert here in Clermont. It was long. But really powerful I think. And last night we got a text from Jia asking about peace we recieve from the gospel and about what we receive in Heaven. She is still struggling to prayer. She says its too ceremonial for her, she doesn't feel like she's able. But hey we can only know spiritual truths through prayer. I'm just really glad that her interest level is still there and that she is asking questions, that means she's thinking about it all.
When we taught her about the Atonement, she asked, "He did that for everyone? Is that possible? Everyone in the whole world? I don't know if I can believe it." After it sunk in though it was really cool. She was really quiet and reflective. A lot of the challenge is just teaching her everything, even all the little détails that usually christian people know.

I gave my talk yesterday in Church and it went really well. I was really pleased. I talked about choosing first to obey God and what He asks us to do, but then we must be proactive in creating our future by our choices today. It was really fun, I love giving talks.

We had zone interviews this Thursday in Lyon. I had my favorite interview yet with President. It was weird when he asked me about what I was planning to do after my mission. I never thought that question would come. We had a great discussion about changing the world in Clermont and laying a foundation of work that future missionaries could build off of. He is so cool.
I told this to President, and he told me it was a good idea. I'm considering changing my major to math/economics instead of Polisci/economics. What do you think?

Today we are going to hike the Puy de Dome, the big volcano that overlooks the valley. Have a great week!

Beaucoup d'amour,

Elder Montgomery
We got a little bit of snow

Zone Conference last one for Elder Beyer and Elder Crawley

Some Ping pong with the Young adults and their friends

The big march yesterday - because of the Paris Shootings