Transfer 13, week 8 ..... February 2, 2015

Dear Family,

What a week. Seriously fantastic.
First things first. I'll be staying in Clermont Ferrand, and training a new missionary. I'm currently in Lyon, sitting next to Elder Castillo, waiting until tomorrow when the new missionaries get in! Very exciting to get a new shot, to start a new life with this missionary. How cool!

I'm so sad to see Elder Mataalii go, he was one of my favorite companions and we did so much great work in Clermont Ferrand. 

This week was a crazy ending. 

Monday. We delivered a BOM to a man who had told us he had lost his in a move a couple years ago. We met him in the mall and after giving him the book he asked if there was anything he could do for us, and naturally we responded, can we have 30 minutes to explain the book. So we sat down with him at a cafe and taught him about the restoration and he was intrigued. He is a converted Jew, also a Free mason, interesting man named Christian. We'll see what happens. Interesting how many free masons I've met on my mission (and the way the shake our hands!). Monday night we had a our FHE with the young adults and we had an ami Matthew come with one of his friends Melyssa. The lesson was on prayer and it was super powerful and the whole experience was wonderful. They both are going to FHE tonight even though we won't be there (matthew just called me and asked if he could bring a cake he made!). And melyssa came up to us after and asked how she could learn more about God and the church and all and we set up a rdv with her right there.

Wednesday, we got a chance to see a less active man from Palestine (born in bethlehem!) who had gotten baptized 5 years ago and struggles to find transport to church. It was cool because we've been trying to get in contact with him for the whole transfer and we finally met him at the end. He was so happy to see us. His family situation is a bit weird, but he is more than happy to have us over again.

Thursday, we met another less active who had been baptized 5 years ago who had been rejecting any contact with the church for years, and then we knocked on his door. He was blown away that it was us and he was so so happy to see us. His new job in security required rough hours and stopped him from coming to church and that led to his following drop off into drugs and alcohol (which was evident on the coffee table). But it was cool that we knocked on his door at the one part of the week where he wasn't elsewhere in the country on a security job. He is now open to us returning!

Wednesday night we had a huge meal with the Beaulieu family, then again Thursday night we had a huge meal with the other Beaulieu family (one of the married sons.) Both awesome families. Anyways. Thursday night was a long one for us as we fell victim to a nasty stomach bug that ended up keeping us in Friday and Saturday. 

Sunday was then huge as we had Decahou, jia, and Lilian come to church to hear Elder Mataalii's goodbye testimony and everything. The members did a great job and they felt so much love. We ended up teaching both of them right after, separately. Jia prayed!!! It didn't result in big things right away but its a huge first step for her. Lilian on the other hand feels the Spirit and knows what we are saying is true, she is just worried to be baptized and then go back to China and forget it all, but told us that is willing to keep meeting with us more regularly. Both huge miracles.

Here I am in Lyon, I've spent the day here seeing old friends, I've had the great pleasure of hanging with Elder Castillo and Elder Higham all day. Two of my favorite friends in the mission. I saw Elder Ambursley who is doing super well and is going to be a zone leader in Geneva. I'm so proud of him. It's been such a blessing to be here. I'm excited to see what the future brings. This transfer is looking way up. We have so many people interested in the Gospel right now! The Lord is blessing us in incredble ways! I will stay in Lyon until Friday to finish the legality of my blue, then head home. Should be a fun week!

Beaucoup d'amour,

Elder Montgomery

From the top of the cathedral

One of the cathedrals in Clermont made of lava rock!