This was a great week! We taught a lot this week! It was awesome! Lots of
miracles seem to be happening around us, its really neat.
The week Elder Mataalii left we got back in contact with Yao, an old ami
who had one point had a baptismal date. Well this week we taught him 4 times!
Each one of them was great. And he came to church yesterday. It was fantastic!
And he is coming to FHE tonight. He still follows all the commandments and loves
it when we teach him. He always asks if we can read the scriptures with him. He
knows baptism is important and is on the edge of making that decision. We're
really praying he does.
Decahou accepted tithing and fast offerings very well, explaining to us how
much he knows the Lord has blessed him in his life and how its nothing to simply
to give back to the Lord something that was originally His. However he says that
he doesn't want to get baptized until after May, because that is when his
studies finish.
We taught both Jia and Lilian this week. They are both progressing slowly.
But progressing :)
The word of this week is prayer! This week we've had to repeatedly invite
all our amis to pray specifically to know if the Book of Mormon is true. I feel
like a broken record. But we know from Preach My Gospel that we can only know
spiritual truths through prayer! What an incredible gift we have! Do we use it
fully? I know this week we had some challenging lessons and I really had to
strengthen my testimony and keep that lifeline between Heavenly Father and
myself open by praying often and fervently. Its so awesome how much it helps!
And how real it is! If only everyone would simply try...
Elder Tomlinson is doing super well and is adjusting quite nicely. We
taught a couple that he contacted this week. They are really protestant and the
rdv was really fast paced. Haha it was interesting. How grateful I am for the
Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the light it brings.
Sunday is always my favorite day of the week. We feel so much love at
church, Its like a big family, and we've developed a lot of good relationships
in the ward.
Every 3rd Sunday of the month we have two young adults go on splits with us
and we go street contacting. I got to go with David, who is one of my good
buddies. We spent about 30 minutes in Place Jaude- the center of downtown, when
we found a man with a guitar and sat down with him and he played for us, then we
taught him about a loving Heavenly Father, and the restoration of His plan for
us. It was super neat. His name was Guillaime. We left him with a BOM and got
his phone number. He told us at the end that what we had taught him made him
want to change what he was doing and be better. It was a fun miracle.
I hope you all are doing well and know how much Heavenly Father loves you
and wants so badly to bless you!
Beaucoup d'amour,
Elder Montgomery